


Sperry Rail Service Links
Sperry Rail Service - The Official website. Doesn't contain much of interest regarding the rail cars themselves.
Sperry Rail Service - The "un-official" website. A good reference site, containing historical information, some pictures, and the all time fleet roster there are also links to the sites below.
Sperry Rail Service FAQ - An overview of SRS operations, in the USA, by an ex-operator.
North East Rails, Sperry Rail Service - A photo gallery of sperry railcars, including the delivery of SRS 140 to the Dorrigo Railway Museum and some more recent shots of SRS141.
NOTE: This link takes you to the first of two pages of Sperry Rail Cars, 140 and 141 are on the second page.
Rail Inspection - Background information on rail testing and the Sperry Rail Service. Most of the text is from the SRS Introductory Booklet I have at home. Although the article goes over several pages only the first page is relevant to the work the rail car do.
Doodlebugs - By the same author as Sperry Rail Service FAQ, discussion of American Doodlebugs (rail motors) with reference to Sperry Rail Cars
Australian Railway Links

This is not intended to be complete listing of all railway related sites in Australia, just those I've come across and though might be interesting.
Queensland Railways on the Net - Queensland railways official site.
Chris's Commonwealth Railways Home Page - Interesting looking site dedicated to Commonwealth Railways (CR), Australian National Railways (ANR), Great Southern Railways and the South Australian Railways.
Australian Railways Historical Society (NSW Branch) - A good general site for information about railways, obviously concentration on NSW.
Pilbra Railways - A general page covering railway operation in North West, Western Australia, includes Hammersley Iron.
Australian Railway Page - A collection of links to other railway related sites.
Ozdairy - Another collection of railway related sites.
Dorrigo Steam Railway Museum - Current owners of SRS140.
Colin's Queensland Railways Internet Photo Album - The name says it all.
RAILWAYS - Concise Guide to the NSW State Archives (P - R) : Railways. Recommended for anyone interested in NSW railway history.
Queensland Railways Steam Engines Portfolio - Worth a look
Railways - Iron Ore Lines - Pictures and information on Western Australian railways, inculding the iron ore lines.
New South Wales Railways - Essentially a site relating to Broken Hill with railway information included.


Copyright Lin Hampton 2006